Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina deserved being in the limelight at the taking down of the Confederate Battle Flag from the front of her State Capitol. Without her courageous leadership this would not have happened, at least not yet. She was able to move the envelope in her state, potentially incurring negative political fall-out.
I also took heart from Hillary Clinton's decision to face the gun lobby head on and make sensible gun control measures an active topic during the upcoming campaign. The NRA stubbornly opposes any control and restrictions on gun ownership - regardless of the 32,000 killings that take place in our country every year - and the issue is politically hyper-sensitive. Her stance probably won't have repercussions for her during the Democratic Party primary, but it could have consequences during the general election, if she gets there. Hillary's husband, President Clinton, and President Obama stayed away from this topic during their election campaigns, fearing adverse political consequences.
These two women showed leadership qualities missing in all the politicians too scared to confront the ignorant rants from that narcissistic bagpipe Donald Trump - perhaps too afraid to get into a public shouting match with him.
Cowardice is not what we look for in our leaders. Having said that, ignorance is a curse, not a crime. Anyone has the right to display it - even Trump.
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