Sunday, November 15, 2015


It did not take long for GOP candidates to blame the Democrats for the terrorist attacks in Paris.
Several of these were illustrative of an ignorant mindset not worthy of intellectual discourse.
Carly Fiorina has an uncanny ability to manifest selective memory. Not only does she re-imagine her professional past at H.P., she also forgets that had George Bush et al not engaged Iraq and Sadam when they did, none of this might have happened. Sadam Hussein was an intolerant and cruel dictator. However, he would not have tolerated Isis. Removing him upended the balance of power in the region. We deliberately banned his mostly Sunny military professionals from continuing to operate. Most of them ended up fighting with Al Qaida and Isis when the Shiite forces filled the void. Fiorina's rant that she is "angry that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton declared victory in Iraq abandoning our hard-won gains...." which somehow made them responsible for "the murder, the mayhem, the danger,the tragedy that we see unfolding in Paris," is ignorant. George Bush prepped our exit from Iraq while still President. Her lack of understanding of historical context, and her inability to analyze facts, make her entirely unprepared to even run for the presidency. Ignorance is a curse. She should leave that garbage where it belongs, in her head.

Donald Trump's suggestion that the Paris attacks would have been a much different situation had the vistims been armed with guns, is outright stupid.

If this is the best the GOP can come up with we can only hope that our citizens wake up. We can not afford this level of degenerate thinking to rise to a leadership level in the country.

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